Interested Investor News & Update

New Brewmaster, Water & Permits progress, Larger Capacity...

Hello Boulder Creek Brewing Company Friends and Interested Investors, Here’s the news, progress, and update as of October / November, 2023: RIP Bart Bullington, Brewmaster Extraordinaire As some of you may know, our original Brewmaster, Bart Bullington, passed away suddenly late last year, after suffering a stroke. He was in his fifties, in otherwise good health, and not overweight or symptomatic of any other issues. He was a great man, and a superb Brewmaster and planner. [Read More]

Investor News & Update

Lender, Valuation, Parallel Business Strategy...

Hello BCB Co investors and interested parties, Here’s the news and update as of early November, 2022: Commercial Loan We have selected a primary lender, Heritage Bank, and are moving forward - we have an LOI from them, and they have targeted a closing date of mid-to-late December for the construction loan. Heritage Bank’s loan(s) will cover the building construction costs (in stages) up to 80%LTV, as well as some or most/all of the TI’s (Tenant Improvements, aka Leasehold Improvements) for the Brewery/restaurant Business, which will be split off as a separate company, and lease the building from DDL (Detailed Development LLC). [Read More]

Progress and Investor Update

Progress! A Light at the end of the tunnel...

Hello BCB Co investors and interested parties! Recap As most of you know, our end goal is to resurrect the former Boulder Creek brewery and restaurant, in all its Glory, as the new Boulder Creek Brewing Company - In addition to the world-class Brewery, this also includes: - Being known for its excellent food, as well as - A venue and destination for music and performances, specializing in bluegrass, Americana, and other genres. [Read More]

Now Seeking Funding

Both Private Investors / Partners, and Commercial Lenders

Now Seeking Funding In addition to our forthcoming Patreon and Indiegogo campaigns, We are now considering various sources of additional funding: Lenders, either private-money or commercial brokers, with competitive Rate / Terms Silent investors - voting ($ $ $) or non-voting ($ S) Active investors / partners: Relevant business / fundraising skills GC or relevant trade / license / skill Restaurateur or Brewer Lessee - Restaurateur or Brewer seeking long-term lease with TIs (See below) - able to shape design and development now at this early stage! [Read More]